Humble Starts


Step by step guides outlining how real business owners got their start.

Learn how everyday entreprenerus took their first steps, and how you can too.

It’s difficult to start a new business.

It's especially when it’s hard when you can't picture what the path forward looks like.

We provide the playbook to your first steps.

Humble Starts is a catalogue of stories of the start - how everyday individuals chose to begin and grow their own businesses.

Each story serves as a guide - picture how you can get started on your own journey to building morals-driven, value-creating, freedom-unlocking enterprise.

Learn about everyday business owners like these

Our hero's: the everyday entrepreneurs.

You won’t find get rich quick schemes or content gurus here. These are real people, building real businesses, that create real value.

We choose to raise up the business owners who are the backbone of our communities - the normal person who chose to go down the brave path of starting something.

Some pursued a career that was motivating, some pursued a lifestyle of freedom, some pursued a long-term wealth for their families.

Whatever the reason, these entrepreneurs unlocked a pathway to a worthwhile and lucrative career.

We want help you create that pathway.

Never despise small beginnings

Everyone starts small. The key is to keep going.

We are here to help you figure out that next step.

Real Life Lessons

The big takeaways and "Oh Crap" moments from all types of founders.

Business Playbooks

Business breakdowns entrepreneur's first steps, idea validation, and company growth.

Blog and Video

Every case study features a written blog and video for a full understanding of the business.


Lists of online and physical tools business owners use at all stages of their business.

Starting a new business is hard, and can be lonely.

Our goal is to build a community of starters - all with an intention of helping the next person get their start.

Take the first steps towards your business